
Tips to Make Your Home Appliances Live Longer

Modernization has changed our way of living and made us accustomed to technology and the benefits associated with it. We are surrounded by these techs and get to encounter them on a daily basis. But whether it’s technology or humans, everything requires maintenance and proper care for longer life. Similarly happens with our home appliances. These home appliances are our daily buddies that help us cook food faster, wash clothes and dishes efficiently, maintain the house heat, etc. All this work is done with the help of technologically advanced home appliances that make our lives easy and effortless. They take care of us no matter what the situation is, but we often forget to give them the same back. 


Home appliances also show the signs of aging with time, and if you ignore these signs, you probably might lose your dearest helper. But believe us, managing the home appliances is not rocket science, and you only need the basic awareness as you have for yourself, and all your work will be done. All you need for the betterment of your appliance is maintenance and nothing more than that. With this article, you will learn a few essential tips to improve the lifespan of your machines. And if you are not aware of what you can do to make your devices live longer, then his article is for you. 

Top Tips to Improve the Lifespan of Appliances


This is similar to what we do with ourselves daily. The first step in the process is cleaning, and you must be aware of it. This is the best thing you can do to your appliances, especially if you live in a more dirty area than usual. And excess dirt, grease, debris, and other contaminants damage the instrument if not cleaned in the long run. And it is required that you make a habit of cleaning the appliances at least once a month. This will not only increase the life of the product but also makes it look great. If you find it hard to clean all the stuff yourself, call a chimney cleaning service in Pune to get your appliances cleaned. 

Avoid Over-usage 

The most important yet so underrated point in practical life. We have a terrible habit of letting the appliances turn on even without usage. This is a dangerous habit to follow for your appliances as this not only harms the gadget but also puts an unnecessary burden on the resources and nature. Sometimes all you need to keep the appliance working is just switching it off completely, not on standby but completely switched off. This frees them from unnecessary overuse and increases their overall lifespan. 

Regular Maintenance 

If it is hard for you to recall when you serviced your vehicle last time, then this is the time for you to get one now. All the gadgets are machines, after all, and require timely servicing and maintenance to ensure efficient working. And it becomes even more crucial if your appliance has a working timeline of 10 or more hours. Neglecting timely services causes various types of problems in the devices and damages other components of the machines. While working with these broken or damaged components, the gadgets have to put extra effort to do their job, damaging the appliance in the long run. 

Don’t Rely on Self Cleaning Feature

Self-cleaning features are real scams and not meant for actual cleaning. Don’t buy such appliances that have the same feature of self-cleansing or cleansing. And if you have one, then don’t use that feature as this will neither clean nor is beneficial for the life of the appliance. It is better that you clean everything all by hand to ensure optimal cleaning and the long life of the gadget. 

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Avoid using any soap in the dishwasher and always use one that is written in the user manual. This protects it from clogging and ensures performance. 
  • De-grease the grease filter of your microwave as excess fumes from the cooking can cause a fire in the microwave. 
  • Gas burners are easily cleanable and not meant for replacement now and then. Almost all the stoves have removal burners that are easy to clean. But the removal function is possible only with the gas stoves and not with the electric ones. On one side, a scrub is fine for a gas stove burner, while a multipurpose cleaner is best suitable for electric stoves. 
  • Clean the outer body and compressor coils of the refrigerator to avoid any future problems with your refrigerator. 
  • It is undoubtedly the underrated thing but is required for efficient working of the dryers. People often forget to clean the lint screen after usage, and it is advisable that you must clean the lint screen after every use to get the maximum performance out of your dryer. 
  • Do not combine bleach and vinegar in the dishwasher as it will clean your dishes instead of damaging the whole machine. 
  • To decalcify the coffee maker, it is vital that you use only white vinegar mixed with an equal proportion of water. Put the solution in the coffee maker and brew for a few minutes, now; let the mixture sit idle for 1 hour and again brew for a few minutes, and your coffee maker is ready to brew your cup of energy again. 
  • If you have a bagless vacuum cleaner, don’t let the dust cup be packed with dirt and debris, as this will block the airflow and make the vacuum cleaner excessively hot. 


Appliances have become an essential part of our life and to make them work it is required to take care of them with cleaning and repairing. And if you find it challenging to do this on your own, then you can call professional cooking range repair services Pune and leave all your problems on their shoulders. 


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